


來自俄羅斯的Jenia ,是我去年12月在柬埔寨旅行時認識的女孩。從第一次碰面,便沒來由的打從心底喜歡。喜歡她的笑容,喜歡她的自然,喜歡她散發的能量。因為多次偶遇,我們成為朋友。言談間,知道她來過香港工作半年,了解我在這裡的生活;她喜歡西班牙,會說多國語言;她,現時跟丈夫在巴塞隆拿定居。




Jenia, dear, fate has plan, it is by chance that we met, by choice that we became friends. Friendship is a treasured gift in my life, and every time I talk with you I feel the connection and so comfortable and happy. 
 =^B^= un beso. 
Enviar esta canción para usted. 
 〈The Power of the Dream〉 -- Celine Dion

2 則留言:

Unknown 說...

Ivy, dear, I am very happy to meet you and share such simmilar ideas and feelings about this universe and us, human beings. Wish you keep your good willing human value marathon thourgh all your life to reconfirm that this world has hope untill there are people like you =)
Besos y hasta pronto en Barcelona!

Ivy Ho 說...

Jenia, dear, thanks for reading my blog and leaving message here. I'm so glad that you have that feeling also. We are the same kind of beings, let's dreaming. let's keep going. YEAH!!!
Besos ^B^
Si, hasta pronto en Barcelona!!