
Inner Child

"In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play." 。

可惜,不知從何時開始,我的內心小孩竟被大人的世界嚇怕,愈走愈遠,迷失方向,一直藏起來拒絶再玩。後來經歴多了,加上單身後跟自己相處的時間更長,那個躲着的小孩反而走了出來。現在,變得像返「老」還童一様,對世界的人和事充滿好奇心,充滿新鮮感。於是,我好像小時候一様,喜歡主動跟人接觸,喜歡認識新朋友,喜歡聽他們說故事,更愛上跟小孩作陪。法國科學哲學家Blaise Pascal也說過,智慧是會把人帶回童年。於是,我想起用簡單直接的方法解決煩惱,想起懂得享受當下的感覺,想起坦率表達情感的態度,想起大無畏向前衝的精神。原來,當你從小孩子的角度看世界,又是另一新景象。


如果你跟我一様是七十後,在八十年代成長,想送你電影《Never Ending Story》一曲。你還記得那條似狗的白色飛龍嗎?

〈Never Ending Story〉
Turn around - look at what you see.

In her face the mirror of your dreams.

Make believe on everywhere

Hidden in the lines

Written on the pages

Is the answer to a never ending story.

Reach the starsfly a fantasy

Dream a dream and what you see will be.
Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds

And there upon the rainbow

Is the answer to a never ending story.

Show no fear

For she may fade away

In your hands the birth of a new day
Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds

And there upon the rainbow

Is the answer to a never ending story.

p.s. Yes, I believe when we're green and we're growing. 謝謝你,今日在運動場上認識的4歲小朋友Kinny。

3 則留言:

joane 說...

Never Ending Story is my favorite movie. Love it so much! ^^

Ivy Ho 說...

Yes, i'm loving it ^^, especially the dog face dragon and the song, but now It's difficult to find the DVD.

joane 說...

yes, i know, i searched few years ago and I gave up too.