
The Field House

認識 Michael Lau 這個名字,是因為 Figure,但從來不知道他很會畫。

我是後知後覺的,最近才知道他跟 Nike 合作,以運動結合藝術,在觀塘的工廠區搞了個 The Field House 展覽會。這裡佔地不大,除了一些互動的裝置元素,主要擺放了 Michael Lau 的畫作,包括巨型油畫和木板畫。巨型油畫是 Lance Armstrong、Steve Prefontaine、Eric Cantona、Michael Jordan 的大頭,雖然非常搶眼,但我還是喜歡掛在牆上,那些沒有色彩、用原子筆繪畫的廿多幅木板畫。這些作品,都是以動畫形式展現了四位傳奇運動員的金句,充滿生命力,好有啟發性。

 “Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.”  Lance Armstrong

"Even as a footballer, I was always still being creative. " Eric Cantona

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something, but I can't accept not trying." Michael Jordan

"A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts." Steve Prefontaine 
