







送你一首,是我喜歡的歌手Andrea Bocelli的〈Because we Believe〉。曲詞,真的很美。

Guarda fuori e'gia'mattina(Watch! Outside is already morning)

Questo e'un giorno che ricorderai(This is a day that you will remember)

Alzati in fretta e via(Raise yourself in haste and go)

C'è chi crede in et(There is one who believes in you)

Non ti arrendere(Don't Surrender yourself)

Once in every life

There comes a time

We walk out all alone

And into the light

The moment won't last but then,

We remember it again

When we close our eyes.

Like stars across the sky

E per a sincere(And for a winning)

Tu dovrai sincere(You will have to win)

We were born to shine

All of us here because we believe

Guarda avanti e non voltarti am(Watch ahead and never turn back)

Accarezza con i sogni tuoi(Caress with the dreams of yours)

Le tue speranze e poi(Your hopes and then)

Verso il giorno che verrà(Towards the day that will come)

C'è un traguardo là(There is a goal here)

Like stars across the sky

E per a vincere(And for a winning)

Tu dovrai vincere(You will have to win)

We were born to shine

All of us here because we believe

Non arrenderti(Don't Surrender yourself)

Qualcuno è con et(Someone is with you)

Like stars across the sky

We were born to shine

E per a vincere(And for a winning)

Dovrai vincere(You will have to win)

E allora viscera(And then you will win)

