
《The Men who Stare at Goats》

一套非常有啟發性,非常搞笑的瘋狂電影《The Men who Stare at Goats》(中譯:密探睥死羊)。如果你喜歡黑色幽默,喜歡離奇古怪天馬行空的劇情,兼且認宇宙是可以存在神秘力量的話,我,大力推介。


“Your life is like a river. If you’re aiming for a goal that isn't your destiny, you will always be swimming against the current. Young Gandhi wants to be a stock car racer? Not gonna happen. Little Anne Frank wants to be a high school teacher? Tough Anne. That's not your destiny. But you will go on to move the hearts and minds of millions. Find out what your destiny is and the river will carry you. Sometimes events in life give an individual clues as to where their destiny lies."

據說,電影創作靈感來自真人真事,改編自著名紀實作家兼紀錄片製作人 Jon Ronson 的同名著作。而對於片中其中一種有關「睥」的力量。哈哈!其實我小時候也這麼認為,總是認為自己擁有這種超能力,搭巴士或者過馬路時,若趕時間的話,都愛望實紅綠燈,對,是望得好實果種,然後就用念力控制它加快轉,想來,都是十多歲,才放棄這個想法吧。嗯,可能是這様,可能也是其中一幕遭遇相似,所以看得特別有共鳴。
