


今日搭車,聽開的 MP3 機無電,於是改用 iPhone 聽歌,隨意的,就選了 Alice & Cecile 的《All You Need is A Love》的大碟來聽。其實也不是第一次聽 〈Smile〉,但今日再聽,感覺就是好舒服,心情也愉快起來。回家看看自己的 iTunes, 原來已經有好幾個版本,包括靚仔 Trumpet 演奏家  Chris Botti 加 Steven Tyler 主唱的哀怨版;Tony Bennett & Barbra Streisand 的深情合唱版;小野麗莎獨有的爵士風情版;David Sanborn 的 Saxophone 純音樂版,以及今日聽的 Alice & Cecile 合唱版。


Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though its breaking 
When there are clouds in the sky youll get by 

If you smile through your fear and sorrow 
Smile and maybe tomorrow 
Youll see the sun come shining through for you 

Light up your face with gladness 
Hide every trace of sadness 
Although a tear may be ever so near 
Thats the time you must keep on trying 
Smile whats the use of crying? 
Youll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile 

Thats the time you must keep on trying 
Smile whats the use of crying? 
Youll find that life is still worthwhile 
If you just smile

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

finally it works...i have the tony bennette version too. nice song.

you use iphone to take these pics? nice ar!

Ivy Ho 說...



最近,跟個潮人朋友食飯時發現這個好玩又好用的軟件。他試過多種類似的軟件後,就推介了這個。好正,可以換鏡頭,揀菲林。最近愛上這種Lomo式的Snap Shot。好啱feel!

p.s. 你有興趣這個法式浪漫版的Smille嗎?我可以email俾你bor,hehe!