寫影評的朋友,早前在 facebook 說過,近期睇過最好看的電影是《We bought a zoo》。
電影,今天上畫,即興的買了飛入場。不想劇透,只想說,甫出戲院,才發現電影長達兩個小時。喜歡 Matt Damone 的演出,還有,好喜歡男主角 Benjamin Mee 的一段說話。
〝You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it. 〞
《The caller》─2011年的新片,香港好似沒有上映,內容是主角的電話可以接通過去。其實這類穿梭時空的題材也有不少,只是沒有想過接通的來電是一個癲婆,很爛。
《My Big Fat Greek Wedding》─《我的大嚿婚禮》這個戲名聽了很多次,原來都差不多有十年歷史了。電影是講希臘人跟美國人因為在文化生活上的差異,而引發的一連串事件同笑話。這套電影製作費僅用了五百萬美元,竟然票房大收,單是美國已累積至一億四千多萬美元,難怪後來好多電影都改了差不多的戲名。
“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom.”
Jesse Billauer,從小在沙灘長大,9歲那年接觸滑浪,17歲已在滑浪雜誌排名第一,夢想是當個專業的滑浪員。
Life is amazing.
Jesse Billauer is incredible.
You can be incredible.
"Don't ever let somebody tell you... you can't do something. Not even me. Alright? You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period"
I saw many times of beautiful sunset, no one is the same.
Every sunset brings the promise of a new dawn.
Nature is full of purity, visions and harmony.
I praise. Life is wonderful.
Delight in the beauty that surrounds you.
Enjoy life.
《Ella Fitzgerald Sings The Duke Ellington Songbook》、《The Very Best of Ella Fitzgerald》、《Summertime》─因為一套電影的配樂,我喜歡上有爵士樂第一夫人之稱的Ella Fitzgerald。歌曲跨越時代,她的聲音溫柔細膩,清澈而溫暖,很有味道,能牽動心弦。還有,同沙啞嗓音的Louis Armstrong簡直是天作之作,合作的Summertime大碟也非常耐聽。
《Earth Blue》─被大碟的名字和封套設計吸引,上網查看,才知道這是德國一名 new age 樂器大師製作用來冥想用的音樂大碟。碟內收錄的音樂,都令人聽得身心平靜。
《Natural Wonders of the World》─收錄了世界各地的自然聲音,如美國大硤谷、巴西里約熱盧海港、尼泊爾的Everest山頭等,加上輕柔的配樂,感覺非常舒服。
《Bach─Forever by the Sea》─ 我最喜歡的德國作曲家巴赫,加上最喜歡的海浪聲,好得實在沒話說。
《Notting Hill》─除了〈She〉之外,〈From the heart〉、〈I Do〉,以及純音樂的〈Will and Anna〉和〈Notting Hill〉都很好聽。這些情歌,總是溫暖我心。
This is one of my favorite photos from my last trip. It reminds me a quote from Mark Twain.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."